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The content on this site is provided for general informational purposes only. The opinions expressed here are mine and not those of any advertiser, company, affiliate or group. The opinions expressed are based solely on my own experiences or with the products I discuss. Your experience may vary. I try my best to do the proper research of products, and try to provide accurate information, but I am not a therapist, dermatologist, financial advisor, nutritionist, health professional, medical doctor or expert in any field. Please do not consider my opinions to be substitutes for sound professional advice.


I am not sponsored by any brand or company. All products reviewed or recommended were purchased 100% with my own personal funds and not given to me, or provided at a discount to me in return for a review. As a result, I’m able to provide unbiased, honest, and ethical reviews and opinions. In the event of any partnership, or paid reviews, it will be stated within the post and will include the brand/partnership disclaimer. None of the content or opinions are ever meant to harm or malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.


All content published on this blog is protected by copyright, and any unauthorized copying, reproduction, republishing, uploading, posting, transmitting or duplicating of any of the material is prohibited without my written permission. To obtain permission to copy portions of the blog, please send an e-mail to

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