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3 Ways To Cultivate Gratitude

Remedy To Instantly Feel Better On The Blah Days

Seriously, our minds can be on overdrive, and it can be so hard to keep up. It just races with the worst possible scenarios ever, and the "light at the end of the tunnel" seems non existent. It is very hard to see any positive solution when you are down and frustrated with yourself, or someone else. These thoughts really drives our mood, and can really put a damper on our minutes, hours, days, weeks, and even years. Life happens, disappointments happens, confusion happens, success happens, happiness happens, and also joy. Time is precious and should not be taken for granted. There needs to be a remedy to start the process of healing. The remedy simply is #GRATITUDE. When used properly, you will feel an instant lower heart rate and even crack a smile! Being grateful will really shift us to appreciation of what is actually working right, and taking some time to focus primarily on just that. What is working right. Our mood can change right now, with easy steps of incorporating gratitude. Here are three ways to introduce gratitude in your life.

1. Thank You Note

Have you ever received a random note or text from someone, just saying thank you? Have someone shared an appreciation for you just because? It feels amazing to be valued and heard, imagine doing that for someone else! Sending someone a note of thanks, whether it is via text, email, any messaging app, or handwritten note will instantly increase the gratitude you feel for that person or action. As you are thinking of the words to say, all the good memories and thoughts of their actions will come to mind. I love receiving handwritten notes and never throw them out. I really cherish the thought of someone taking the time to write to me, about anything. It is literally a mood booster! Was someone there for you in any way? Let them know. You never know who needs to hear your kind words or thoughts!

2. Gratitude Journal

You can write out what you are grateful anywhere! A journal, your phone, a Post-it, literally anything! At a point where everything feels like it is going wrong, it is so hard to see all the amazing blessings in your life. Even with breathing and being healthy, that's not in the forefront of our minds when life gets rough. This is where writing out what you are grateful for, comes in handy! It really helps with reminding you of all the great things you do have. Family, friends, Pets, your bed, food, smiling, spouse, yourself, and etc. This really helps you to focus in and put life back to balance. When things just seem like too much, take some time to take note of everything you have, even if it is the pillow that catches your tears, to the great conversation you had with a friend. Cherish it daily, take notice and take note!

3. Pause

Does taking a pause help with gratitude? Yes my dear! We need to take a pause before over reacting, just a few deep breaths. In a place of rage, we only see red and sometimes say things we don't mean. How can you be at a place of gratitude when you are that enraged? How can you see any appreciation in that state of mind? It is imperative to stop and analyze if your next reaction will serve you. There needs to be appreciation for yourself, your peace and mind. To stay in a place of gratitude, remember to cool off. Keep your focus on the result of your actions. To really let gratitude in, our soul has to be stress and anger free.

There are more ways to add gratitude in your life and more benefits! Check out the podcast, "Yup life is hard, are you grateful tho?" for more on this topic! You can change your whole entire mood with gratitude.


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