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A Hard But Needed Conversation

I am so excited for the FULL return of the SaveTheGoodGirl podcast, thank you so much for your patience and support! Soooooo......I was contemplating for MONTHS on what would be the initial topic to kickstart Season 2. During my time away, I consistently worked on taking notes on all my thoughts, rollercoaster of emotions, deep reflections, aha moments and frustration. You can imagine how lonnnnnnngggggg my notes section was! I was intentional of coming back fully on Juneteenth, the holiday that acknowledges when over 250,000 enslaved black people were free in the state of Texas. This was also the exact date that I launched 3 years ago, June 19, 2020. The date is significant because not only do I feel connected with the freedom given as a community, but also freedom for myself. The emotional need to break my own chain to be free, move with fear, but also with intention and purpose.

Once I found the courage to come back this year, it took me some time to really solidify what the opening episode would be. I knew that I wanted to create a come back episode announcing my return, but wasn't sure about the first main topic episode....or was I? Something kept telling me, you have to start with grief, you have to start with grief, you have to start with grief. Grief?!...Really?! I kept creating so many excuses as to why I CAN'T start with that. "Its summer", "start with something light", "its too heavy", " you have so many other topics" and the list goes on! However, the thought of starting here did not leave me. I decided to give the thought more attention, but was concerned about the emotional place I would be in discussing grief, as I am still in the process and healing. I knew that I was fragile, but when God tells you to move, you have to move in HIS direction.

I cried, I prayed, I resisted...but it didn't take away from the force of the need to share my story, and do it in a way that was authentic to me. I finally surrendered and accepted that I was going to do it, I was going to go there...and start with grief. There was so much I went through and wanted to share, and I knew I couldn't do it in one episode. I decided to launch the Grief Series which consists of 4 episodes that will be released weekly. In each episode we will explore topics including the initial shock, depression, support, grief after care and so much more. I wanted to ensure that I was raw enough to feel, but light enough for you to gain value, and my hope is that you do find value, and that STGG is an addition to your healing toolkit.

This was a PUSH for me, but I am happy to share that it is now available! Take a listen to Part 1 of the Grief Series here or anywhere you enjoy listening to podcasts ( Apple, Spotify, Pandora and etc) I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts, you can send me a message directly here and also stay in touch with STGG luxuriously. There are no words that can ever sooth the loss of a loved one, but what I can say is that each day you have the opportunity to be on earth is another day you can take towards healing, and discovering joy again. It's never too late to begin again... give yourself unlimited grace and heal at your pace.


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