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And Another One…!

You may think I'm talking about getting another drink but I'm not! Haha! I mean maybe I did get another one, it was soooo good! Sooooooooo, why am I smiling so hard, and what do I mean when I say "another one?" Let me break it down. During the month of April, I received a voice note from my friend who stated that a friend of hers wanted to create an event, and would like for me to speak. I vividly remember being in the park, having a date with the waves, collecting my thoughts, and getting a voice note asking me to be a speaker. Surprisingly, I immediately said yes! It was a surprise because it was so close to when I decided to re-launch the STGG blog and podcast, revamping my site, and starting all over again. This was also right after being asked to do my first YouTube interview (check out the links tab to watch!) and I'm like...what is going on?! Why are they asking me? I had so many questions, but all in a great way. I was seeking a deeper understanding, and knew that God had a strong hold on this, that was the only way for ALL of this to make sense. I was so honored that she wanted me to speak because this aligns with what I want to do, curating messages that helps people shift their perspectives about themselves and in life. Everything that was being offered to me was aligned, and truthfully, I was excited from the beginning. I also paid close attention to my initial reaction, the pure joy of wanting to do this, and intentionally challenging myself in major ways. I was excited to prove myself right.

Professionally, I have done public speaking many times. Whether training, presentations and etc, but it was with directives from the companies I was working for. I had to ensure that I was speaking to what they wanted, and that was very easy for me to execute. In this instance, I am the brand, like wow a BRAND! Its all me, and I have to create the directives, create the content and ensure that I'm able to captivate the audience. I never had any issues doing that with work, or personally but doing an event with people I don't know, for some reason it felt different. The main affirmation I consistently focused on was that, I am more than qualified and capable, and that I have everything I need to succeed. My mind runs faster than Usain Bolt! Haha, and because of that, I had to put in place memories of me succeeding before, and that I WILL do it again.

Something that I take very seriously is professionalism, and I don't care if I'm speaking to one person, I am going to be prepared and fabulous!!! As soon as the date was confirmed for the event, I called my friend Geneva who is also my makeup artist, to book an appointment for the date to get this face beat! I also was thinking about what I was going to wear, and decided that I wanted to wear this Kimono and matching scarf set from Fe Noel X Target. loooovvedddd her collab with Target! So beautiful! Next, I had to think of the content and context of what I was going to say. How can I really touch the room?! The topic was imposter syndrome, and in that moment I felt like a huge imposter because I'm still feeling off as I'm preparing for the speech. I kept asking myself, how am I going to speak about something I haven't mastered?! I feel like an imposter right now?! Quickly, I realized, that's what made it more valid, that I'm really feeling the emotion presently, and the presence of feeling that raw emotion will add value of authenticity to what I am saying, and the true factor of being relatable.

The day before the event, I did my nails, picked out all of the details to my outfit, and prepared my speech. I drafted all of my thoughts on paper and decided after some edits to type it up. I also ordered folders from Amazon that had positive words on each folder, and I decided to use the folder that said courageous, because even as I'm speaking, I wanted to be intentional with the audience. I knew I would be walking around with it as I would be using it to hold my speech, and I wanted the message to transcend while navigating the room. I watched presentation videos from Lisa Nichols, where I learned techniques to really captivate my audience. I took notes, practiced, prayed and felt very prepared. Doing the prep work fueled my excitement, and it made me feel like I was aligned with my purpose.

The day is here! I woke up very calm with positive anticipation for the event! As I'm praying, I thanked God and asked him to guide me to have the right words, message, and that I properly inspire people. I couldn't believe that I was speaking for my own brand! For breakfast, I made eggs and ice coffee with sweet cream foam. Delicious! I then headed for make up ( she did such a great job! look at that beat!), came back to get dressed, sprayed one of my Arabic fragrances, and was on my way to speak! The event was beautiful! In addition to myself, there were other women speakers sharing their stories, challenges and triumphs. I was moved and inspired. They all did an amazing job! I was the last speaker, and as she called my name, I was not nervous at all. I felt fabulous, smelled great and was feeling myself ( Hey Beyoncé!) I grabbed my folder, thought about my opening line, smiled and started speaking. During my time speaking, it felt right, like this is what I'm meant to do. The women were engaged, they laughed, and even took notes! The room was energetic, and I could tell that everyone was attentive and excited to listen to what I had to say. Like really listening to ME! I was so moved by that!!! After I was done, I received a standing ovation, literally fighting tears! It was the best reward. I spoke to the members of the audience, and it was just overwhelming with the amount of wonderful feedback I received about my presentation. I was happy, and overjoyed to get support from my friends and family. Overall it was a beautiful experience and the start to many more, I'm so happy I said yes!

I want you to think about something you have been holding off, maybe trying something again, or for the first time. What would it look like if you went for it? How do you think you would feel afterwards? Based on my experiences thus far, I will say that it's worth finding out. I'm still working on putting myself out there, and daring to be bold with my dreams. There are many things that I would like to explore, growing my brand and people that I want to inspire. The event was a great start to prove to myself that I can do it, but I would have NEVER known if I didn't try and challenge myself to be in that environment. Lately, I have been thinking about not wanting to regret anymore great opportunities due to my fear, it's time now to really put 100% effort and intention out there. I am ready to do it, what about you? Let's continue to challenge ourselves together.

Will you challenge yourself to start something new?

  • 0%Yes! I’m ready for a change

  • 0%Yes! I already started!

  • 0%Not yet, but I plan to

  • 0%No, Im not ready yet

As always, I would love to hear your feedback! Send me a message about a new challenge you are starting/ or in a process to start, and how you feel about it! Stay connected with STGG on all socials! Click the links tab to know the latest and what future events will happen soon!

Stay inspired...try again...allow failure...welcome success❤️


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