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Being In A Room With A Billionaire

"E, I just have a feeling, that we need to be there, I don't know what it is, but we need to go to InvestFest." This is what my friend said to me while sharing voice notes, with hearing the passion in her voice, I reacted quickly. Very quickly, because in less than 5 minutes after the last note, she already purchased the ticket. I always take it seriously when someone says "I have a feeling", add some passion in that, and you have my FULL attention. Within 10 minutes, we both booked our plane tickets and purchased tickets to InvestFest. I didn't even see who the speakers would be before booking, but based on me knowing that the CEO's from Earn Your Leisure, Troy Millings and Rashad Bilal, were the brains behind it, I was sold! I respect their brand and mission to bring awareness within the black community about financial literacy, investments and entrepreneurship. It was a very easy yes at that point!

"Form habits and then habits will form you"- Humble Lukanga

As I started getting notifications about who would be speaking, the excitement continued to grow. Diddy, Robert F. Smith, Monique Rodriguez, Cam Newton, Steve Harvey, 19Keys, Michael Novogratz, Tabitha Brown and so many more were scheduled to be at the largest business event being held in Atlanta. With so many heavy hitters, I had to make sure I was extremely prepared, and I started with my energy first! It was vital that I TRULY respected my boundaries, limited meaningless conversations, and avoid any chances of me being heavily annoyed. I wanted to ensure that Savethegoodgirl kept going, so the podcast episodes were scheduled, social media prepared, and blog edited! I also worked hard on my business cards, picked them up, tried on all of my outfits and was ready to go! Take a listen to the episodes here about the whole experience, I give great great details about my preparation for InvestFest and how I almost didn't make it! Thankfully I did, and what an amazing choice I made!

It was so beautiful to see 20,000 people all having the same goal- to be better, think better, and live better. From the first hour of the event, I was completely engaged and ready to think bigger! We had so many great panels about business, credit, home ownership prep, investing, ownership, and so much more. I had my pen and notebook ready, and took so many pages of notes within the first few minutes, so imagine how many pages I have after being around 2 days of greatness!! I couldn't wait to share all of the luxury tips received. One of the speakers, Humble Lukanga stated- "form habits and then habits will form you." Instantly after hearing him say this, I was thinking about habits I genuinely wanted to form, and what opportunities I want to work on. I actually wrote a few down that came to my mind, it was thought provoking to immediate action. I was impressed.

"Being at InvestFest felt like seeing the gain of generational wealth and the loss of generational curses"

Being at invest felt like seeing the gain of generational wealth and the loss of generational curses. I l truly loved the vulnerability, honesty, and rawness of each speaker. I didn't feel like the advice and lessons given were watered down at all. I was also inspired by Troy and Rashad, as a fellow podcaster to see the success they have amassed consistently. To start with a hit podcast that develops to you successfully hosting an event for 20,000 people?!! I mean really?!!! That alone, makes me want to dream bigger for the Savethegoodgirl brand, to believe that I can make a great living and invest properly, doing something I absolutely love. I want them both to know that I am their ROI, I am their profit when looking at their P&L reports, I am apart of the continued forecast! My inspiration and dedication to action is the result of their hard work, and mission. Everything that they wanted people to leave with, they certainly did and then some! The experience was great, I created not one but 2 episodes about this! Check out Part 1 and Part 2. In the episodes, I also share some of the wonderful tips I learned that will really shift your perspective on how you are currently managing different areas in your life. This is not just about going to InvestFest, although I 100% believe it's worth traveling to, my hope is that you find events near you that enrich your mind, and be in the presence of like minded individuals. Be inspired to be present. It is so important to put yourself in a space that allows your belief system to be re-charged. You never know who you will meet, or what will motivate you to action. In the meantime, this is the billionaire conversation you need to have! The podcast episodes is FILLED with gems!!!! Take a look below at the InvestFest recap!

As always, I want to hear your feedback! You can share any questions, comments, or feedback here! Or you can send me direct messages on social media- Instagram, Pinterest, Threads, and Facebook! Take a look at the poll below and share what speaks to you the most. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Do what you need to do to physically show up, "You can't be, what you can't see."

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