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DIY Glow And Detoxifying Mask

See How 3 Ingredients Can Really Step Up Your Mask Game!

Why do we even have to mask? In addition to adding dope vibes to your self-care routine, masking is great way to nourish, and deeply cleanse the skin. Having your serums, night time products, and day lotions absorbed quicker and deeper, a face mask is a must! When you mask on a regular basis, it assists with: unclogging pores, deep cleansing, provides a natural glow, and hydrates the skin. There is so much bacteria and debris that stores in our skin, and while cleansing daily is great, a deeper extraction promotes healthier skin. The good news is, you can make a really powerful mask that is packed with benefits with only 3 ingredients in less than 3 minutes!

Power of 3

I had no idea about the amazing benefits of these 3 ingredients until my sister Valerie explained it to me. Valerie loves everything beauty and skincare, especially natural ingredients. I noticed how clear her skin was getting, and wanted to know more about what was helping her achieve this ( sis was glowing!). Initially, I thought it would be a whole process, until I learned that it only consisted of: turmeric, bentonite clay, and apple cider vinegar. Like for real, thats it! Even with just 3 ingredients, its packed with so many benefits. She gave me the scoop of what they are, how to properly mix and also the aftercare. Let me tell you the secrets!


Bentonite Clay- deep pore cleansing, removes toxins, improves blood circulation, smooths skin, treats oily skin, helps diminish acne, eases skin irritation, and activates skin cell renewal

Turmeric Powder- brightens skin, anti-aging, lighten acne scars, great for hyperpigmentation, anti-inflammatory, fade acne scarring, treats dry skin, and provides a beautiful natural glow!

Apple Cider Vinegar- prevents acne and pimples, heals sunburn, exfoliates skin, removes dead skin cells, minimize pores, tightens skin, balances pH, and helps remove dark marks

You see the amazing benefits with just one ingredient?! When you mix them altogether it really creates a powerful mask that will get you on the way to smoother glowing skin!


Pre Mask- Wash face thoroughly and do a steam for 10-15 minutes. Doing the steam will open up the pores which will aide in the deep cleansing process and dirt extraction.


  • one teaspoon of bentonite

  • one teaspoon of bentonite clay

  • one teaspoon (or less) of apple cider vinegar

In a plastic bowl, using plastic utensils mix all three items until you see a consistency like the photo above. (The is the photo I took of the mask I made, look for this color and consistency) The reason for using plastic to make this mask, is so that you keep the magnetic charge from the bentonite clay. Bentonite clay, is like a magnet to extract the toxins and blackheads from the skin. Utilizing metal bowls will remove the benefits. Also turmeric may stain your silverware. Overall it is best to use plastic when making this mask.

*Bonus- If you are having a bad breakout, you can add ONE drop of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil helps treat acne and intensifies the mask. It is microbial, which means that it takes out the the bad bacteria directly from the result of acne, and soothes it. With breakouts, the skin is irritated which may cause pain. The tea tree oil helps ease the pain while nourishing the skin. DO NOT put tea tree oil directly on the skin, as it will burn your skin. You can use with carrier oils like: olive oil, jojoba oil, or grape-seed oil. You can mix with either carrier oils, or with your mask for deeper acne concentration.

Time and Aftercare

Time and Duration

After mixing all ingredients (takes 3 minutes or less to make), leave mask on for 10-15 minutes, or until mask hardens. A tingling sensation may occur, in the first few minutes when you apply the mask. You can do the mask1-2 times a week, depending on if you have a bad breakout, or if skin needs extra care.


Once mask dries, wash face thoroughly with water. It is best to follow up with an oil to lock in the moisture since bentonite can be drying. Some oils you can use are: olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, and grape-seed oil. If not, you can also use a hydrating moisturizer.

You are only 3 minutes away from having glowing fresh skin! And to make it better, you can do this all by yourself, with the 3 secret key ingredients! Overall this mask is excellent for a deep clean, detoxification, obtaining a natural glow, and also a great self care companion! Get your glow!


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