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Don't Take That Call!!!

You may be thinking, what call?! The one that completely shifts your energy! Has someone ever called, and you had to think twice before answering? That is a sign that there may be a possibility that either you have grown apart from this person, or maybe they are a bit draining. I have learned that it is sometimes best to decline until we are ready to exert energy we may not have at the moment. I know that with each advancement we make, there are just conversations that we naturally grow out of. There is no sign for this, except physical aggravation and not wanting to engage as you would before. You physically will feel a change, it sometimes can be confusing.I have noticed that due having a burst of creativity, I really have to protect my mindset and energy. There is no way for me to record, edit, write, and curate ideas for the blog with a flustered mind.

You may or may not know that Beyonce has had the same bodyguard for over 20 years. She has many security guards to protect herself and family, but Julius is the main one. I thought about how she is so guarded, you can only touch her if she agrees, other than that, Julius will be on it! I feel like we need to treat our boundaries the same way, when we respect them, we really honor ourselves. Everytime I went against my boundary, it was a guarantee for me to upset or frustrated. It also becomes very tiring when the relationship is one sided and its always about the other person, what about you? How you are feeling? What you are happy about? I want to make it clear that I am not referring to a venting session, we all need that! I am more so discussing feeling drained! This is when you need to know when to exit the call or call back another time. Let's discuss some signs that the relationship may be shifting:

  1. You physically don't have the desire to speak or meet in person

  2. Each time you speak, the focus is only on them

  3. There isn't much interest in what you are doing or working on

  4. The topics being discussed are not of genuine interest to you

  5. If in a relationship (you only are communicated with when there is a problem)

These are just a few examples, but I do go in depth on the latest episode, that you can take a listen here! I went in on this episode! LOL! I have so many thoughts on this because I am currently experiencing this now, and see how this truly affects my creativity, and I can't do that to ya'll! This is so important when living life luxuriously, in order to do that we must be fully present for ourselves and for those who really deserve our energy. I would love to hear your thoughts in regards to respecting, setting, and maintaining your boundaries! Communicate with me here or on social media! In the meantime, think about your boundaries. If they are set, keep going. If not, it's time to secure it tightly to create space mentally for other priorities.

Do You Set Strong Boundaries?

  • Yes! I need to for my mental peace

  • Most times, depends on the person

  • Rarely, I am working on it

  • No, I have to get better

You can vote for more than one answer.


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