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Everything Is Not Good, I Am Pissed!

Why We Should Stay Mad

I'm all for the positive energy and overall positive attitude, but the way life is set up!! Wooosahhhh...ok...I'm back. It is inevitable that in life will have disruptions, and I am telling you that we need to stay in that emotion. Yes, I am telling you to be upset! It is normal to be disappointed, tired, and just angry. However, the worst thing we can do is fake how we feel. It is a true disadvantage, and tears away our authenticity for our emotions. To truly heal and form growth from the pain, we need to FEEl the feelings. We can get to a point of frustration, but the key is to not stay there for too long, but we do need to get there. Realistically, we all will reach a point like this. I am saying to be in your feelings, identify that you are upset, and investigate the why.

Disconnect To Connect

It helps to be alone at times. We need to figure out what we need to say, and discover what we need to do. When the anger starts, it will help to disconnect to connect again. When the wi-fi is faulty, usually the recommendation is to disconnect, wait 15 seconds, and then the router will reboot. You must disconnect for a refresh. That is what we need to follow. The sequence works for us as well. Disconnecting from social media especially helps to limit everything being exasperated. You don't want to trigger yourself, while already in a sensitive space. Take moments for you, feel the discomfort, put the phone down, think of the next steps. Focus on getting you to YOU.

Get Back On The Road

Being upset is inevitable, we will get there but we do not have to stay there. After feeling the feelings, venting, and being in that space of WTF, we now need to know what is next. The list can go on, but I do want to challenge you and I to be inquisitive. Listen, when I am mad, I am mad. When upset, I will give myself time to blow off steam, and then I seek for a resolve. Life will move on and so will I. You will be amazed with how many answers comes to you while in silence. So yes, feel the feelings, don't force yourself to just move on until you are ready. After the heat subsides, we have to get ready to face the world. You handled that last problem, and you are still alive! We are all stronger than we know. Get back on the road! Even if bumpy at least you know how to swerve!


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