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Gratitude in Words: A Love Letter For You ❤️

"My message and intentions became sharper, which created the color in my life and voice again"

There isn't a podcast episode that I have released where I have not shared my sincere gratitude for you. You are the reason STGG has been revived, and I can't thank you enough. As I have shared, coming back to do the show was something I did not see, feel, or imagine. Being in a place where I was closed off emotionally, I could not understand how I would be able to provide value, positive solutions, or hope. What life continues to teach me, is that when you have successfully pulled yourself out back to the light, you are the master professor to help others. There is extreme value in sharing not only the pain, but the growth, insight, and lessons that has come with it. I changed. My perspectives changed. My message and intentions became sharper, which created the color in my life and voice again. This is when I was time to come back.

"Yes, it takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to sustain an adult"

We are blessed with unique gifts, God made it clear that he wanted me to speak, even in moments where a single word was unable to be spoken. Yes, it takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to sustain an adult. I would not fully be here if it was not from the support of the deep relationships I have with God, my friends, family, counselors, and you. From my heart, deeply and truly, I thank you and love you ❤️.

I hope you enjoy the holidays and take some time to reflect on all of the blessings and love you currently have in your life, and what's to come. I know that the holidays are not always the easiest for some of us, I will pray for your strength. I have released an episode about tips for dealing with the holidays when there are sudden changes, called " A Different Type Of Holiday" , take a listen for a softer way to deal with the holidays and be sure to catch up on previous episodes.

Thank you for simply being you...that is always more than enough. Always remember that you deserve to live life luxuriously, and we will continue to...together.

With Deep Love and Gratitude,

Erica E.


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