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How Are You?

Self-Care Is Not Just About You!

What Is All This Chatter About Self Care?!

It is simple. People are not taking care of "self." With the daily battles of life, work, career, school, entrepreneurship, dating, family, spouse, internal battles, and etc, it is so easy to forget that we need time to disconnect and recharge. When an electronic device is dying, we get a charger to get the battery up in order to start using it again. What happens when our soul needs a re-charge? When the power saver doesn't work physically? Self-care is the battery for the soul, it allows us to recharge and keep going. When there is a better you, there is a better view. Life looks and feels different. It is imperative to know when it's time for a pause and to literally breathe...deep breath in...and breathe again ( just like Toni Braxton!!)

Wait...Isn't Self-Care about...Self?

Yes, it is about self. However, think about the changes in how you treat others when you are calm, cool, and collected. So essentially, it is about you, with a sprinkle of your positive energy, that transmits to others, get it? When you are tired, stressed, depressed, angry, and so many other emotions, it greatly affects you, your health, and everyone around you. You may not even notice it, but you become hard to be around. Everything seems bigger than what it is, and the negative energy falls to you, and anyone that comes your way. When you dedicate time for yourself, you are making your energy and mood a priority. There are many ways to incorporate some "me" time like - going to the spa, reading, cooking, sleeping, talking to a friend, etc. You will be more approachable, and will have the ability to strategically handle opportunities that comes your way, with a more peaceful attitude. With a calm presence, you are also able to discuss what support you need from your spouse, job, friend and even yourself. All around taking care of you is a win-win for everyone. It will create a universal prize which is peace.

Customize Your Care

There are countless ways to really incorporate self-care in your life.Self-care can be spending time alone, walking, reading, or watching your favorite show. The list goes on! In my podcast episode called "you need to chill- literally" I detail my self-care journey, taking my first solo trip, and also 6 different types of self care methods that you can use today. Worth a listen for more details of what you can do for an instant mood booster! There are no rules, or things you should or should not do. The purpose is to carve out what makes you happy and peaceful. Be present in what finds you joy and make yourself a priority. Everyone likes the happy you anyway!


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