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I Live In A 5 Star Resort!

5 Ways To Have 5 Star Treatment (And Live Here Too!)

Doesn't this view look amazing? This is what I wake up to, just pure bliss! Imagine waking up to this every day or least some days in the week! Having this fabulous view as you wake up, enjoying the fabulous weather, mimosas daily, and really being treated like royalty. I really want to share how I am doing this so you can as well. What a dream! This is where I live...........

IN MY HEAD! Oh I wish this was the case, but the truth is we don't have to live in a resort to feel like we are there. Even when traveling, eventually I know I have to go home and that sea view room is nothing but a memory. It is so important that we create our own resort feel that we can escape to daily, without the baggage fees and PTO requests! Let me tell you about my fabulous resort. Here are 5 ways I give myself the 5 start treatment!

1. Aromatherapy, Tickle that Nose!

In a resort, you expect to feel that breath of fresh air, and a good scent definitely contributes to that. I love candles, when I tell you I love candles, I LOVE CANDLES. Super staple at my mental resort! It instantly sets my mood, brings me to a place of calm and the different scents really makes me feel like I'm in the Caribbean. I will light candles when I wake up, cleaning, watching a show, literally for anything. I usually buy multiple scents to create different vibes but love coconut or sea scents. You can also use plug in scents, room sprays ,or incense. Find a scent that you really connect with, even if it isn't daily, smelling something nice sets the vibe and a great recipe for a chill down.

2. Live Music Show

In my resort we also have live music! Okay! We all know that music can create the different types of moods we want from dancing or to just vibe out. People who know me knows how much I love #JheneAiko and her music.I honestly think I listen to her daily. Her voice is so soothing and when I am looking for that place of peace, she is on repeat! Whether it is something upbeat, classical, reggae, hip hip, R&B or country, turn up the tunes! Music has a really interesting way of navigating our emotions and can really create any feel we want. In my mental resort, music is a must!

3.Spa Services

Having your my own spa day is part of my resort as well! I have to keep my skin nourished and it forces me to stop and rest for a few minutes. Setting up the mood with my candle, music and now to lay down with a good mask? Um yes! It feels good to just lay there. Having Jhene Aiko sing, senses are happy, and now I'm feeding my face! Perfect for peace and skin purification!

4. Sippity Sip

Ahhhhh Margarita! At my resort I treat myself to array of beverages. When traveling, we look forward to the amazing cocktails and sipping at the beach or pool. In my resort, I have options! I can be in the mood for a cocktail, wine, coffee or just water. Taking a sip and sipping it slow intensifies the calm. I like to take a moment and be in the moment. Let my thoughts go where it goes and just be! Make your favorite drink and relax boo! This is all inclusive okay!

5. Extended Water Time

Sometimes life can be in a rush! With rushing, sometimes we have to take quick showers, get all the spots and go! But that doesn't happen at my resort. Take a bit more time in the shower and enjoy the flow of H20 ( you like that right?) Accompany that with a great body scrub, body wash or a bar of soap. Really savor the moment whenever you can. Take your time lathering the body, and stay in for as long as you want! In our resort we don't rush, we take our time and really enjoy the body cleaning process, head to toes! Look at this photo, don't you want to dip your body in this beautiful tub? I know I do, and we can. Make it your own, get whatever you need to have that resort feel. I hope this helped in designing your own resort vibes. Create your own escape whenever you need one. Currently I'm in New "Tahiti" York!


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