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The Leopard Bikini Changed Everything!

I started realizing that if not corrected, having deep insecurities can truly affect the decisions you make in every area of your life. We all have something that we feel could be better, bigger, smaller, wider, and etc, no one is exempt from these feelings. However when they are deeply rooted, this is where you start to see the decline of living life in a true authentic way. You start to make decisions from a lack mindset and do what you believe others will give you attention for. This is why we will often see people purchasing vehicles, homes, clothing, and etc, that they truly can't afford at the moment. Once you do get these possessions, now what? What do you really gain from it? Someone may say you look nice or compliment your home, and then afterwards, they will go about their business! There are many people that are worth millions, billions, and are deeply unhappy, because they start to realize, none of this will replace the true essence of what joy is.

"Upon looking at me, you would not be able to tell how unhappy I was"

When thinking of my own journey with insecurities, I always think about the significance of a trip I took to Puerto Rico that challenged my confidence fully. In the latest episode called Put On The Leopard Bikini!!!, I go into detail about why we need to acknowledge and understand the depths of our insecurities, my continuing journey with insecurities, the leopard bikini story, and some tips that may help you as well. It is definitely a MUST LISTEN, trust me you won't be disappointed! I question where my life would be in terms of exploring, had I not have that experience. I would never know what loving myself really means. Upon looking at me, you would not be able to tell how unhappy I was. I compared myself in every area- looks, dating, academically, and even spiritually! I hid my feelings well, but there comes a point where the insecurities are loud, and as you grow older, you start to see it reflected in your choices. That sounds really scary to me, because how can you live life authentically if you don't know what you want and need, since it is based on what you think, not what you know?

"You can be secure in one area and completely insecure in the next!"

Insecurities can spread in many areas of our lives. You can be secure in one are and completely insecure in the next! It is possible that you can be the well respected boss at work, but unable to speak with family. You can think really highly of yourself, and then make choices romantically that are not aligned with who you are and what you deserve. How do I know? I experienced and did it! There are levels to it, and the longer it goes without being acknowledged, the deeper it will be and the less happiness you will feel. No one can do the work for you, as hard as it is, and it is HARD, but taking a step is better than taking none at all. Take a listen to Put On The Leopard Bikini!!!, for a great listen about how you can start working on any insecurities today to live a life that is truly YOURS, and attracting what you genuinely need and deserve. This is the best thing we can do to live authentically, and move at a pace that works for us.

What area do you feel the most insecure?

  • Professionally

  • Romantically

  • Spiritually

  • Alloverlly LOL

You can vote for more than one answer.


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