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My First Interview And......It Was Better Than I Thought!

Can you imagine how I felt when I was asked to be interviewed?! really? Honestly it was a mix of emotions, but my initial feeling was excitement and that reeaaallllyyyyyy surprised me. I wasn't sure how I was going to be, but was curious to find out. What better way to do a vulnerable interview than with someone you know and feel safe with?

I have known Stephanie for years and was so proud when she decided to start her youtube channel conversationswithsteph. With her background being a licensed therapist, she truly has a passion for thought provoking conversations and wanted to expand even further with her own channel! I had no idea that she wanted ME to be her first interview, discussing grief and loss. I was shocked at the timing because Stephanie had no idea that I was coming back with Season 2, starting with the Grief Series.

Alignment much??!!!!!

I was honored, because I knew that she could have asked so many people to kick start her channel, but she chose me...and I didnt take that lightly at all. During this time there were a few opportunities coming my way, and as excited I was, ultimately, I am still discussing a topic that I am still going through, and I questioned if I was going to execute the interview, podcast, speaking engagements, and blog well. Can I really do it, or will it be too heavy emotionally for me? It was hard, but something was telling me to do it (GOD) all and not say no to ANY opportunity because what I am sharing is bigger than me... I remembered thinking... "this can really help save someone." With fear heavily within me, I was still ready to accept the challenge.

5:00 am is when I set my alarm, yes 5! Getting fab takes time boo!! I started with prayer, a slow shower, had a sermon playing in the background, put on some really nice fragrance and was out the door! I was so happy that I was able to get my makeup done by an amazing makeup artist, Geneva(@iamevagofficial)! I LOVED my makeup! If you are in NY, check her out! Afterwards, I got my coffee (French Toast Ice Coffee is my fave!) and went to the studio. I felt calm, prepared and surprisingly...still excited.

Due to Stephanie and I having previous conversations, I treated this interview like I would our many chats! Easy and free flowing. Her partner was shooting the video and did a great job editing ( he was also so patient!) The interview went smooth and wayyyyyyy better than I anticipated. The nerves were barely there. I was fine...I actually was great. I felt great and looked great, okayyy!! LOL. We touched on a few topics surrounding grief and loss that is light enough for you to digest, feel, process and actually enjoy. I am proud of Stephanie for starting her page and also for having me be her first guest! I left smiling and thanking God for holding my hand the entire time. I can't believe I did it! Yay! (Cue applause 👏🏾)

Check out the interview here, and be sure to check out all three parts, this is a conversation you don't want to miss! Also please share your feedback about it! We would love to hear it! The Grief Series is live now on the STGG podcast, listen on the site or any streaming music platform of your choice.

Stay Connected and Follow Stephanie on IG and Youtube- @conversationswithsteph. Also check out the fab MUA @iamevagofficial!

Alsooooooo, are you following me boo?! The stories on IG and on the page is great! So I have been told lol! You can check out the whole glam process and more! Check me out on IG, Pinterest and Facebook with the handle @savethegoodgirl.

Thanks for being on this luxurious journey with me...there is so much more to come ❤️


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