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Not Just A Soft Life…A Body Butter Soft Life

You may have been hearing about the term "soft life" within the past couple of years and guess what? It's not going anywhere! According to, the meaning of soft life is: rejecting hustle culture and living life without struggle or major stress. I was also shocked to learn that the term soft life came from the Nigerian influencer community, another great thing originating from Africa! Yassss!! I love that this is a topic amongst us black women, we deserve rest in all areas of our lives, but how do we actually do it? We wear so many hats and focus on so much, whether career, family, our own internal struggles, bills, handling chores, and so much more. The pandemic was a time where many people realized the importance of life and it's not just living to work. The value of family came back, being home and doing DIY projects came back, the furniture industry made billions because of this. People were home becoming aware, being present, and even in the midst of such unprecedented times, we still found joy in actually living on smoother terms.

Body Butter Soft Life

I swear all of my ideas and podcast titles comes to me when I'm in the shower! I truly enjoy a nice long intentional shower, and just letting the water flow and taking my time to be. I was smelling the sweet aroma from the soap bar, which was almond butter in addition to my lemon sugar body wash. Imagine smelling that! So good! Afterwards, while damp a bit (that's the secret to really locking in the moisture) I started to apply the body butter very slow and smoothly. It just feels amazing against my skin and I love the way it smells!The body butter that I used was what you see in the photo, manuka honey and macadamia from Ciroa. While applying I realized that we need a soft life like the feeling of body butter. Something that will last and lock in daily. Yes, we can do a beach, spa, facial, or call out day. Yes, we can have solo dinners, massages and watch a good show, but what happens after that? When I think of how moisturized the body butter leaves my skin, how great I feel and how soft I feel for an extended period of time, I knew that I wanted to incorporate that theme in my life. The goal is to live with less stress, being calm, being present and doing this all the right way. Some of you may be living the "soft life", some of you may not yet, or maybe you want to strengthen what you have been doing. There are certain things you can do today to help really have a body butter soft life, something that will last and be embedded daily in everything you do.

3 Tips To Start Living A Body Butter Soft Life

  1. Know Your Schedule- there is nothing soft about rushing, confusing dates, missing payments, or really important events. Take time weekly to go over any tasks, chores, bills, dates, and etc to ensure that you plan your travels and financials accordingly. It is so important to have an organization method that works for you. Whether a planner, an app on your phone or post its, find something that will help keep you on track.

  2. Go Shopping- and not to the Gucci store only lol. To really enjoy the soft life, you need to work for it! Take a look within your home and check your inventory. Do you need to go grocery shopping, do you need deodorant, a new pillow? Taking note of what you need or what you need to budget for is part of your relaxation. One less thing to not have anxiety about! Take note of everything and plan to shop for it slowly. I love using the app Google Keep to help me stay on track!

  3. Clean Your Space- Trust me! This makes a huge difference. It's really hard to think in a cluttered space and get things done in a timely manner. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, especially if you are behind, but dividing up your task by days can help. Maybe it's just cleaning all the mirrors one day, doing laundry the next and etc. In addition to physical cleaning, you also may need a digital clean. Unfollow or unsubscribe to anything that's not in the positive or soft feelings. Consider doing a digital, mental, physical and emotional cleanse. That's for advanced care and you will see a wonderful difference!

In addition to these tips, there is more! Take a listen to the savethegoodgirl podcast where I am sharing the 7 Ways To Create A Body Butter Soft Life! I truly believe that these 7 tips will either help create or strengthen your body butter soft life! We deserve to really live and there is work that we need to do to get there. Living a Soft Life doesn't eliminate work completely, it just allows intentional work to flow in, which will really service us peacefully. After each task you are able to complete, please give yourself full acknowledgement for the steps you have taken and will continue to take on your journey. Celebrating you is a key component to a long lasting body butter soft life.

The Body Butter Soft Life Is Yours, Take It.

After you take a listen, please share with me your favorite tip and what you will be using next. I am excited to hear from you and watch your grow in your body butter soft life era!

What do you enjoy the most?

  • 0%A smooth body butter!

  • 0%A beautiful body wash!

  • 0%A bomb body scrub!

  • 0%Perfume and Body Sprays!


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