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Rough Week…New Peaks

You know when you have one of those moments, that turns into days, and then turns into weeks?! As much as I tried to not let my thoughts get to me, it certainly did! I tend to have a domino effect with my thinking and it's something I am consistently working on. Once one thing is a challenge, I think of other challenges, and oddly will have a reason as to why I don't deserve this or will receive that. It becomes a spiral and will put me in a space of sadness. My confidence gets low and I question EVERYTHING in my life. Yes I know! It's not the best way to be, and I'm usually pushing but I was at a place where I couldn't really push. I was tired, confused, and down. Physically, I was still doing what I needed to do, but emotionally I was still fighting.

" I felt extremely blessed, validated and loved"

God always knows what we need at the right time. As I am writing this, I am processing that statement because although I know it's true, while I'm in it, I don't retrieve the fact. Based on past experiences, and knowing that God has not failed me yet and won't, this is something that must be embedded within me. He knew his daughter needed a spiritual and emotional pick me up. Even with all that was going on, there were events happening with friends and family that I really didn't want to miss. Birthday celebrations, a baby christening, and a pool day. I didn't want to let me current emotion stop me from being present. I also knew that being around love is always an immediate remedy and it100% was . I spent time with family and friends back to back for 5 days.It felt like a warm beautiful vacation. With each moment, I was present, laughing, enjoying myself, and genuinely felt good. The hugs, the jokes, reconnecting with people I haven't seen in awhile, the life lessons, and the gratitude was at an all time high. I felt extremely blessed, validated and loved.

" Being around them made me feel like everything was going to be ok"

I had a great past couple of days and felt full from it, but didn't expect to have more come to me, but it did. The love train continued, and I was grateful and happy for the ride. I had an unexpected visit my cousin, who I thought was alone, but he also traveled with my nieces and nephew. Being around them made me feel light, high joy, and calm. We had a dance party, I taught them how to apply perfume, and also taught them how to properly make a bed. I wanted to be remembered as the aunt who taught them that, it was a special moment for me, because y'all know I love fragrances! We laughed, talked, played games, and while I'm sitting looking at them enjoy everything, in that moment I thanked God. I was thinking, if I was child what would I like after all of this? Ice cream! Lol! They were so happy! I decided to treat them all to ice cream, and on the car ride back, we played a gratitude game. My nieces didn't know what the word gratitude meant, and I was ecstatic to share. I made everyone go around and share 5 things they are grateful for, and they really enjoyed it, and said they felt blessed for all that they have. Wow! I mean,the joy, happiness, and how proud I felt?! It warmed me up!! Being around them made me feel like everything was going to be ok. I had a phenomenal time and missed them instantly after they left. While I was with them, I didn't think about anything. No stress, no worry, no confusion, just joy, being present and full LOVE!

I know we all may experience rough moments and weeks, and sometimes it can be really hard and deep, but what I found is that being around love will never not cure the struggles of the mind. It's a challenge, because usually when I'm down, I get very reclusive, but I am so grateful that I was intentional with being present. I was aware, I wasn't in the best state, but prayer, positive self talk, and forcing myself to get excited worked. I challenge you to phone a friend, make plans to see family, be around children, go outside, just do something to combat your mind. When you do, you will find that you will be in a positive mental state to make moves, literally, physically and emotionally.

It's never too late to catch up on the savethegoodgirl podcast! Check out the latest episode and stay connected with me on social media! I would love to hear your thoughts on this, how have you worked through a rough week? Let me know what helped you!

Do you enjoy being around friends/family when feeling down?

  • Yes! It helps me immediately

  • Sometimes, depends on my mood

  • Just a select few people

  • No, I like to process my thoughts alone


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