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Need Something New To Listen To? See Why This Will Be Your Favorite New Podcast!

Honestly, there is but so much that I can write! You need to hear my emotions, the joy and pain, and all the crazy things I say! I was always drawn to leading people and found true joy when they were able to see their full potential. The advice I would give friends and family would just flow, to the point where I would be surprised with my own words! It really feels natural to give sound advice. I didn't even know the extent of my own deep way of looking at things, but it resonated. I came to the conclusion that I really love when people became inspired, and would regain hope. I have been told by so many people to do a podcast, and it was something that I naturally wanted to do, but fear really held me back. I started to notice a reoccurring trend which was- A true shift in perspective can really CHANGE and EVOLVE your life. Witnessing the joy friends and family felt by speaking with me, I really wanted to expand that feeling to others. Maybe something I may say or have experienced can really connect with you. I knew it was time to push past my fears. I knew it was time to expand my conversation to a broader audience, and now here we are with the STGG podcast!

Flaws and All...Still Here Tho!

We all have areas of improvement. Of course, but - how do you feel in this moment? Anything that requires change will take time, as well as consistency. And guess what? We are here, you are reading this, which means you have everything you need to keep going. In my podcast you may hear me say, " If you heard this, you have purpose." There is still time for you and I to change. The hurt will be there, the pain will be there, the betrayal will be there, the smile will be there, but the most important factor is you, you will still be here. Flaws and all, I am still here. The STGG podcast will be worth a listen as I will discuss a range of topics that many of us go through while "adulting." Take a quick listen here for the trailer and extended deets!

Options, Options!

In addition to listening right on this site (podcast tab), the audio episodes are also added on YouTube! I'm also on a few podcast platforms, yes your girl is everywhere, just making it easy and convenient for you to listen. Get ready for your luxury listening experience!

Here are the podcast platforms where you can listen to STGG:

  • Apple Podcast

  • Spotify

  • Google Podcasts

  • Anchor

  • Breaker

  • PocketCasts

  • RadioPublic

  • Stitcher

  • CastBox

  • Overcast

Excited for us to talk and prepare for all the greatness that is present and on the way...


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