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🎉🎈Savethegoodgirl Celebrates 100 Episodes!!! 🎈🎉

Can I tell you that I didn't even realize that the STGG podcast reached 100 episodes until I posted my recent episode?! I was getting ready to record, and I saw 99 episodes and I was like what?! It was really a shock because I remembered when it was hard for me to record 1 episode, and to see that I made it to 100 is something that I am growing to be proud of. Growing? Yes! To be honest I didn't take a long time to process it, because I had to record, plan social media, send emails and etc, etc, etc!!! I just kept moving and didn't pause until I spoke with my sister, who was adamant that I acknowledge that this was a big accomplishment, and I did but just didn't plan anything celebratory. Then something hit me...I really made it to 100 episodes...WOW.

June 19, 2020 was when I released my first episode, and I remember feeling excited and extremely nervous! Even while succeeding professionally, I always felt like something was missing inside and knew that I was more than my current role. Speaking with people and having the ability to listen and offer insight immediately was something that came very easy to me, I found joy whenever I was able to help someone see another perspective. It only made sense why I was met with strong support to start the podcast, and I am grateful that I did. With starting in 2020, experiencing grief that paused me, and then coming back in 2023, there definitely was a huge wave of emotions that could have prevented me from ever touching the mic again. What really got me back? One word only- SUPPORT! I am so grateful for God, family, friends,grief counselor, therapist, and YOU! I could barely make 1 episode but to reach 100 would not be possible without you. Thank you so much for believing in me and listening in. Your support means the WORLD to me!

I had no intentions to celebrate, but I am so grateful that my family created a full day of surprises! My brother surprised me with my favorite coffee( French Toast Ice Coffee) from a coffee shop I love and added an onion bagel w/scallion cream cheese (my favorite bagel combo!) My mother and sister surprised me by making my favorite meal, y'all it was sooooo good! My sister encouraged me to get candles and have an impromptu photo shoot as well as create a reel to celebrate! ( You can see the reel on social media here!) Initially, I really did not want to, but I am happy that I listened and was able to capture this moment. I am also proud of myself for fighting to stay consistent, intentional, and wanting only the best content for my audience. There were many nights of frustration and wanting to give up, and I am glad that I persisted.100 episodes of joy, laughter, pain, tears, confusion, awareness, growth, and we were on this journey together. It's never too late to catch up! The beautiful thing about the show is that you can find any topic that speaks to you and start there! You have options boo! 😂 Thank you for believing in me, the support is the fuel that keeps me going. I have so much in is to 100 more ❀


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