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5 Secrets To Have A Peaceful Slow Morning

Do you wake up immediately thinking about all the things you need to do? The things you didn't do? Or, wondering what is going on in your life?! If the answer is yes, you're not setting your day to perform at a high level, it's all moving with stress. Sometimes we may wake up with anxiety, especially if we went to sleep with a lot on our minds the night prior. In addition to looking at your phone as soon as you wake up, which can change your emotions at such a fast pace. As you scroll, you may compare, feel sad, then laugh, confused, or even purchase something, all before you are fully awake! There was a week where I felt off, because I was moving in auto pilot. Everything was rushed, and the only thing I had time for was to get ready and out the door. My morning schedule just seemed mundane and monotonous. I didn't like how I was waking up, so I decided that I needed to have a slower morning, to breath, and allow my mind and body to function at a place of peace and not stress. We need to embody that Body Butter Soft Life, EVERY chance we get, and how we start the day can affect the whole week!

It's so important that we start the day with a clear mind because you make better decisions, you are present, and engage with others in a kind way ( you will be snappy the entire day, if you wake up angry!) Guess what?! I have some tips that can really help shape the way you feel in the morning, I want you to feel amazing as soon as possible, let's get into it!

Tip #1 - Ignore, Prepare and Sleep

Ignore the drama! Sometimes ignoring a phone call or text is what you may need to to allow a calm night. I don't think we consider how much negative energy affects how we physically and emotionally move! Set the settings on your phone on DND to enter your sleeping beauty moment lightly! However, to wake up well, you need to sleep well first! I found that the best way to sleep well is to prepare as much as you can the night before. Whether its meal prepping, laying out your outfit, or creating an agenda for your day to know what time you are working with, all of this will help! Sleeping at a decent time is important to give your body the fuel it needs to perform the next day.We need at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If having difficulties falling asleep, try melatonin gummies, lavender scented sleep spray, and also a lavender scented candle.

Tip #2 - A Moment of Gratitude First

You woke up, your heart is beating, you are reading this blog post, and you are embarking on an amazing life! I could go on and on, but waking up knowing how blessed we are, no matter what the circumstance is, can truly help shift the day. You can choose to read a devotional,pray,say affirmations or be still. Expressing gratitude can instantly calm your mood. You can say it, write it, or feel it in your heart, but always start your day with acknowledging all the blessings that you have and around you.

"Before you look at your phone and put your feet on the ground, always thank God for giving you another day of life." – My Father

Tip #3 - Sound On or Off

Usually in the morning, I would listen to a sermon, positive music, a great interview, or affirmations. You can decide whether you want the sound on or off. Some days, I just want my space to be quiet, the beautiful thing is that we have options. Go with how you feel for that day. Pro--Tip: listen to the Savthegoodgirl Podcast, that's a great morning boost! I don't recommend listening to anything too heavy or derogatory as soon as you wake up. Ain't nothing peaceful about that! Try listening to something soft, positive and encouraging. Hearing a good word can make you ponder on it for the whole day -- make it a good one.

Tip #4 - Aromatherapy Everywhere!

I loveeeeeeeee perfume, but I also love for my space to smell amazing as well. To have a peaceful morning, I suggest lighting a great candle, incense or room spray, after you express your gratitude. Set the mood for yourself, make it an event! Something that I recommend is having a diffuser near your nightstand. I recently started doing that and woke up feeling really good, it actually decreased my anxiety. (I tend to wake up with anxious thought sometimes) Having a great smelling space definitely adds to the awakening of being calm.

Tip #5 - Intentional Shower & Body Care

Can I tell you how much I have grown to love taking intentional showers?! I look forward to it! Ensure to have a body wash, soap bar, and body scrub that really speaks to your nose palette. Take your time cleaning your body while a great song is playing ( I swear magic happens when I do this lol!) and just be. Allow yourself time to air dry, and while damp, apply your body butter or lotion. Do your skincare routine, add a wonderful fragrance, and you are good to go! Even writing about it makes me want to take another shower right now!

Start Your Slow Morning Today

I don't like to guarantee many things often, but I can guarantee that if you follow these steps, you will genuinely feel better physically, emotionally and spiritually. Starting your morning off right can add not only peace, but being more hopeful, patient, prepared, and excitement for your day. We deserve to have joy as much as we can, life is so unpredictable, it's important to be intentional with the moments we have and make it peaceful! Leave a comment about your slow morning experience, I would love to hear it! Catch up on the latest episodes on the Savethegoodgirl Podcast and be sure to follow STGG on social media!

What Is Your Favorite Slow Morning Item?

  • Candles

  • Body Wash

  • Listening To SaveTheGoodGirl

  • A Moment Of Gratitude

You can vote for more than one answer.


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