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Unveiling the Artistry: Behind the Scenes of a High End Fashion Photoshoot

fashion photoshoot

Who would have known that being apart of a photoshoot with other creatives would ignite an energy that was felt amongst us all to push our ideas to the next level?! I am learning day by day, that your God given gift needs constant nurturing, and that can only happen when you are in the right spaces for it to be seen authentically. I do feel like sometimes our dreams, ideas, and goals can suffocate when we are not in environments that is safe enough to express who we are and what we do naturally. Just like any device we use, we also need a charge, and that is EXACTLY what happened at this shoot.

I was very excited to support my friend Tonya, who is also the Creative Director of the fashion shoot. She was completing her Styling & Image Consulting program at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology), and one of her last projects was to conduct a styling shoot. She could have easily put a few outfits together from home (trust me, she has aloooottttt of fire fits!!! 😂) but she wanted to have elevated photos and decided to do a shoot. This would be the first one that she directed for herself! I was excited for her and knew that whatever she decided to do , it was going to look PHENOMENAL!

She had the vision of Business Leisure, and from there went to multiple stores to get the accessories, props, and clothing needed to bring her vision to life. If you think about it, everything that we consume and use daily, all started from an idea. The thought and vision is only something that you will see, and sometimes that can be scary. It causes doubt, fear, and concern if anyone will even get what you just created, but so what? The truth is, the only responsibility we have is to nurture the ideas and push it out. We will never know when we will pop, or what the outcome may be, but what if it ends up beautiful and is well received?

That is exactly what happened with this photoshoot! Tonya did not only have the vision for herself, she then had to explain her ideas and the outcome she wanted to the team. She was able to get our friend and makeup artist Geneva ( her work is amazing!) to create the makeup looks, Corey, (her friend and amazing photograoher!) was the photographer, and the model Caralayne ( one take mami and top model) was recommended by one of her friends. I was there for support, video content, and keeping the energy lit! Caralayne was a natural from the first photo taken, Geneva mastered each look and hair, and Corey did amazing with not only the photos but the editing. I was just amazed!!!

Pro Tip: Having someone who is hype just makes the work day fun, and the model comfortable to produce great photos! Great energy always solves the problem! 😂

Do you see a trend here? In addition to Tonya's talents, she also has great relationships with many people. It made it so easy to show up for her because she is always showing up for others, and we all believe in her talent. You can have all the ideas and plans, but strong relationships is truly the secret to success in all areas of life. It was beautiful to see how everyone benefited from being apart of this, whether adding the photos to their portfolios, website, or displaying range from working on a high end fashion shoot. It was a win win for everyone, and if it wasn't for Tonya's push, the beauty of the photos and experience with everyone would not exist.

It's funny, because being there actually ignited the drive to start blogging again. I felt so free and loved how the photos came out, and I knew that this would be the best way to use them. I love not only having the opportunity to be in certain spaces, but also grasping all of the feelings and lessons along the way, hence why I love writing and have a podcast. Lately, I have been noticing so many things, and while being in the space with Tonya, Geneva, Corey, and Carlayne I was taking in all of the gifts God has given us individually. The beauty of how wide creativity is, and what happens when you give it a chance to be. Its always a work in progress, but what's important is giving yourself permission to start over, and over, and over again.

Look at the results when you don't give up? See the greatness of the photos below:

Another great accomplishment from this shoot is having it featured on a magazine! So proud of you Tonya!!! To see more of this fashion greatness please check out StyleCruz!

Here is a team you need to book ASAP!

Creative Director: Tonya iamtonyaholmes

Makeup: Geneva iamevagofficia

Model:Caralayne kingcarlayne

Photograoger:Corey the.farrock_foto

To see the BTS footage, be sure to check out and follow ExquisitelyErica

Which look was your fave?! 😍 Let me know in the comments!


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