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Water Also Does The Skin Sooo Good!

The Essential Add To Your Skincare Regimen

When looking at starting a great skincare regimen, it usually starts with the products needed, how to properly use them, benefits based on skin type, mask usage based on skin needs, and etc. What about the real foundation? What will give our skin continued success, in addition to the products? The answer is something that you are already doing, but may need to increase a bit! The base to ensure that the products work smoothly and collaborates with the success of wonderful clear skin is drinking water. It really aides to seal the deal, and keeps the skin internally and externally nourished and decreases dryness.

Capturing Smooth Skin

Having clear skin is great, but we also want it to be smooth. Snakeskin is for what? The snakes hun! Not for that beautiful face and body of yours! Drinking water daily keeps your skin in a natural glow and provides hydration to keep the skin elasticity together. This helps with keeping your skin nice and smooth, takes away the dead skin cells, and preps it for the start of your regimen.

Make It Luxurious

Let's face it, not everyone likes to drink water. If you are not a fan of it alone, there are options to jazz it up! The recommended amount is about 8 glasses (64 ounces a day), which may vary on weight. The point is, a large portion of your liquid intake should be water. The great news is that it doesn't have to be boring! I love infused water, it really adds a flavor to my water, and I still get all the benefits. Make it colorful with all the fruits you love for a refreshing feel. My favorite mix of infused water is: slices of cucumber, mint, orange, and lemon. So delicious and excites me to drink more of it.

Add Water To Sustain Your Journey to Amazing Skin

Set the mood for you water, make it sexy too! To give that nice appeal, add all the ingredients you love in a wine glass. Make it your own! Whether you have a skincare regimen, in process ,or just starting, remember the first step is drinking water daily and consistently. My skin really loves the hydration and I see the difference when I drink water consistently vs. when I don't. Such a HUGE difference! Continue with your skin care journey with water and you will not only see benefits now, but as we continue to age. I'm trying to have that great skin at 70 okay! When you learn to love water, it will definitely love you and your skin back!


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