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We Need To Talk...

Why Letting It Out Gets You Closer To A Solution

All that excitement to say our first words as babies, and now words seem hard to speak out?! We can chatter for years, but there are things that silence us. Pain can silence us. Disappointment can silence us. Heartache can silence us. Loss can silence us. Confusion can silence us. It is so easy for us to want to resort to seclusion when we are going through our emotions, internally and externally.In the moment of feeling, it seems like no one can understand what you are going through. So we continue to function, keeping all this tension inside, but eventually it will explode. We also may feel shame depending on the situation, or just don't others to know the situation due to fear of being judged. To a certain extent, we walk around with a mask, our true feelings aren't always on display, and yet we keep going. You would be amazed by how a minute of talking, can change how you interpret what you are dealing with and ultimately lead to a solution.

Identify Your Support

I will admit, I get in my head, like all the time. Speaking to friends and family really helps remind me of who I am. In the test of problems, it is so easy to forget our accomplishments, the core of who we are, and understanding that the current issue is temporary. It is so vital to have someone you can speak to- family, friends, spouse etc. We all need cheerleaders. If you really don't want to share how you feel with anyone, or if you don't feel like you have a strong support system, think about seeking therapy. Either way, speaking it out helps when someone is just listening. As you speak, there may be something that is said that triggers a positive thought, or you may create a spark, just by speaking. Venting is very healthy, whether you need to yell, cry, or just talk. Knowing that there is another voice outside of yours brings comfort. You can save someone's life by listening, providing encouragement, and reminding them of who they are. We all need that reassurance that the sun will come out again, that everything will be ok, and that we have support to help along the way.

Temporary Problems, Permanent Opportunities

I am not saying that issues won't arise, that life won't be in disarray, but we can and will get through it, the beautiful saying of the possibilities are endless is so real. Oprah said "Nobody has been through what you have been through, not in the same way you have been through it." What she stated is correct, it is not in the same way, but speaking about how you feel can help you identify what you need. Letting it out helps find the hope, when all you see is darkness. And just when you thought it was the end, there is someone there to remind you that it isn't. As long as you are breathing, you have purpose. We are literally created to help one another, so pick up the phone and start letting it out. Your solution is the other side of a conversation. For additional information on ways to seek help, please check out

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